Coordinator: Dr. Yaqub Mahnashi
This interdisciplinary concentration merges two fields: biology and electronics. Bioelectronics and sensor as a field is considered a major contributor to the advances in the medical field. Examples of bioelectronics applications include electrocardiographs (ECG), electroencephalograph (EEG), cochlear implants, cardiac peacemaker, blood glucose meter and blood pressure monitors.
This concentration is designed to equip the students with the fundamentals and concepts necessary for them to understand, design and implement a complete bioelectronics system. Topics covered in this concertation include cell biology, bioelectricity, physical operation and micro/nanofabrication techniques of biosensors, analogy front end conditioning techniques for biosignals. Students are also introduced to embedded systems programming and interfacing.
Course Description:
Fundamentals of cell biology, biomolecules, cell structure and function, enzymes and metabolism, respiration and photosynthesis, cell division and cell death, flow of genetic information from DNA to RNA to protein, bioelectric signals in the cell, Ion channels, membrane and action potential, brain, heart and neuro-muscular system physiology in relation with bioelectric signals and their propagation, sensory processes in animal involving stimuli, sensor-reception, electrical signal and brain processing, and examples of bioelectricity in other organisms.
Pre-requisities: Junior OR Senior Standing
Basics of bioelectronics, measurement constraints, and biostatistics. Displacement measurement: resistive sensors, inductive sensors, capacitive sensors. Operation of various sensors: PZT, temperature, and optical sensors. Conditioning circuits for biosignals. Design examples of physiological signals and their measurements. Use of CAD tools in bioelectronics system design.
Pre-requisities: EE 203 OR EE 234 OR EE 236
Introduction to smart systems. Sensors and actuators: working principles, classifications, performance, characteristics, interfacing with feedback control, and data acquisition. Embedded systems: architecture, types, and interfacing. Real-time operating systems: components, requirements, configuration, and scheduling. Embedded software: development, software stack, hardware abstraction, and tools. Power management and energy harvesting for embedded systems.
Pre-requisities: EE 203 OR EE 236
Introduction to microfabrication and characterization techniques (etching, photolithography, deposition, thermal processes, SEM, TEM, AFM, XRD). CMOS manufacturing from old to current technologies. Introduction to Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) and BioMEMS. Biosensors' fundamentals and applications. Nanotechnology and Bio-nanotechnology. Emerging technologies in Bioelectronics (Wearable electronics for Healthcare applications, Microbial Fuel Cells, etc.).
Pre-requisities: EE 203 OR EE 234 OR EE 236
Coordinator: Dr. Mohammad AlHassoun
This interdisciplinary program focuses on contemporary and novel topics in communications, for both military and civilian applications, including communication networks and protocols and digital communication systems (including wireless 5G and 6G) in both sub-gigahertz and mm-wave bands. The concentration focuses on all communication layers, starting from the physical and ending with the application layer. Topics include network architectures, physical layer protocols, digital transmission, data link layer protocols, packet and circuit switching, baseband transmission, performance in the presence of noise, signal-space analysis, modulation schemes, channel capacity, cellular propagation modeling, cellular frequency planning, link control, handoffs, power control, traffic capacity, multiple access techniques, current and future wireless standards, optical communications, passive and active optical components, optical modulation and demodulation, etc.
Course Description:
Review of digital representation of analog signals. Baseband transmission of digital signals. Matched filter detection. Performance of digital communication systems in the presence of noise. Signal-space analysis. Optimum receivers. Band-pass transmission of digital signals. Modulation schemes: ASK, FSK, PSK, OFDM. Introduction to entropy, channel capacity, and forward error control. Emerging topics in digital communication systems.
Pre-requisities: EE 315 AND EE 370
Network Architectures. Network Layers: OSI Model and TCP/IP Model. Physical Layer Protocols and Digital Transmission Fundamentals. Data Link Layer Protocols. Network Layer Protocols: IP Protocols. Medium Access Control systems. Packet Switching and Circuit Switching. Routing in Packet Switching Networks. Security Protocols.
Pre-requisities: EE 370 AND EE 315
Wave propagation mechanism. Antenna type. Channel models. Large and small scale fading. Performance of digital modulation over fading channels. Diversity. Link budget analysis. Multiple access techniques (TDMA, FDMA, CDMA). Cellular systems (frequency planning, capacity, handoff, sectorization). Modern wireless communication technologies and standards.
Pre-requisities: EE 315 AND EE 370
Optical fiber waveguides: ray and mode theories. Step-index and graded-index fibers. Transmission characteristics of optical fibers: losses and dispersion. Methods of manufacturing optical fibers and cables. Connections of optical fibers. Measurements of attenuation, dispersion, refractive index profile, numerical aperture, diameter, and field. Optical sources: semiconductor lasers and light emitting diodes. Optical detectors. Optical fiber systems. Digital and analog systems. Design of a simple optical fiber communication link.
Pre-requisities: PHYS 305
Coordinator: Dr. Mohammad AlHassoun
This interdisciplinary program focuses on technologies employed in military and civilian industries associated with radar, microwave, and optical systems. These technologies can be deployed in electronic defense and warfare systems as well as civilian applications, such as aviation, security, intrusion detection, etc. Topics include theoretical and practical aspects of radar, electro-optical (e.g. LIDAR), and microwave systems, and their applications in detection, tracking, and imaging. In addition to digital signal processing, students study radar systems (radar range equations, transmitters, antennas, receivers, pulse compression, radar ambiguity function, target detection in a noise background), microwave (microwave planar transmission lines, passive and active microstrip devices, microwave network analysis, and microwave integrated circuits), and electro-optical systems (photon-matter interaction, light sources and transmitters, optical detectors and receivers, waveguides and fibers, amplifiers, isolators, etc.).
Course Description:
Discrete time signals and systems. Linear shift-invariant systems response, difference equations, convolution, and frequency response. Discrete Fourier transform. FFT algorithms. Discrete time Fourier transform and applications. Sampling and aliasing. Finite impulse response (FIR). Filter design techniques, Infinite impulse response (IIR) Filter Design.
Pre-requisities: EE 207
Review of Transmission line theory, Planar Transmission lines, Microstrip lines and components, Microwave Network Analysis, Microstrip Capacitors, Resistors and Inductors, Microstrip Passive devices (Coupler, Power divider, Filter, Circulator, Phase shifter and Patch antenna), Microstrip Active devices (Diode, Transistor, Amplifier, Oscillator, Mixer and Demodulator), Introduction to Microwave Integrated Circuits.
Pre-requisities: PHYS 305 OR EE 340
Fundamentals of radar system engineering. Radar range equation. Radar transmitters, antennas, and receivers. Concepts of matched filtering, pulse compression, and the radar ambiguity function. Radar target detection in a noise background. Target radar cross-section models. Propagation and clutter. MTI and pulsed Doppler processing. Range, angle, and Doppler resolution/accuracy. Tracking. Imaging radar. Range and cross-range resolution; Image formation and characteristics. Backscatter. Modern techniques for electromagnetic sensing.
Pre-requisities: EE 207 OR CIE 315
Review of basics of optics including photon-matter interaction, interference, diffraction, coherence, polarization, etc. Introduction to geometrical optics. Light sources and transmitters. Optical detectors and receivers. Optical waveguides and optical fibers. Optical devices: amplifiers, filters, isolators, diffraction gratings, switches, polarization controllers and modulators. Operating principles of optical multiplexers and demultiplexers. A survey on some contemporary topics in photonics and optics.
Pre-requisities: PHYS 305 OR EE 340
Coordinator: Dr. Ali AlAwami
This interdisciplinary program covers sustainable energy-efficient practices and the most effective management of energy systems. The scale of application includes component-level, small system level (e.g. building), and large-scale level (e.g. entire cities, and interconnected systems). Students evaluate component and system energy efficiency and design efficient energy management programs, as well as learn energy auditing and reporting. Topics include the principles and application of energy conservation, loss inspection, instrumentation calibration, renewable and sustainable energy systems, building energy management, and smart monitoring of energy systems. Topics also include demand side management; efficiency of generation, transmission, and distribution systems; energy efficiency policies, standards, and regulations; and auditing of buildings, HVAC, and compressed air systems.
Course Description:
Introduction to building energy systems, building thermal and energy performance parameters; design methods for improving building energy efficiency, application of thermal sciences to the evaluation of building envelope and energy systems including HVAC system; energy estimation methods. Application of software tools for building energy analysis.
Pre-requisities: Senior Standing
Fundamental principles, concepts, contexts, issues, applications and future developments of energy efficiency and demand side management (DSM). Benefits of energy efficiency and DSM. Energy economics and markets. Efficiency of generation, transmission and distribution systems. Energy efficiency policies, standards and regulations. International practices in energy efficiency and demand side management. Future sustainable energy systems and smart grids.
Pre-requisities: EE 202 OR EE 204 OR EE 234
Energy Conversion; Electric energy from renewable sources: Hydro-electric, Solar, Wind, Fuel cells, Geothermal, Biomass, Tidal power plants; Energy storage; Renewable energy sources integration; Design of standalone and integrated systems.
Pre-requisities: EE 202 OR EE 204 OR EE 234
Overview on energies and energy auditing standard processes, understanding and analysis of energy bills, economic and life cycle costing analysis, fundamentals of electric systems, lighting, electric motors and drives, Building Envelop (revisions of modes of heat transfer, Insulation and building codes), HVAC, boilers and steam distribution systems, compressed air systems, renewable energy systems and waste water management, human behavior and facility energy management.
Pre-requisities: Senior Standing
Coordinator: Dr. Fahhad AlHarbi
Electromagnetic radiation has a lot of applications in vast range of fields. In this concentration, the focus is on the demand of local stakeholders, who are essential pillars of VISION2030. Furthermore, we focus on specific utilization theme that can be used in many fields. The concentration is designed to have a balance between foundations and applications in a way that covers wide applications’ spectrum, but maintains common background.
Course Description:
Basic physics of laser, theoretical formulations and experimental foundations; stimulated emission, population inversion, optical pumping; Solid, liquid and gas lasing media and metastable states; Laser resonators and geometries; transverse and longitudinal modes of the laser; CW and pulsed laser; temporal characteristics of the laser; tuneable laser/ optical parametric oscillation, harmonic generation; Q-switching, mode locking, cavity dumping; key laser parameters; temporal and spatial coherence of laser; different kinds of lasers; Laser based remote sensor (LIDAR); DIAL, fluorescence, Raman, Doppler, wind, air born, and space born LIDAR systems.
Pre-requisities: Senior Standing
Introduction to microwave & optical remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and their application to geosciences. Aerial photography and other remote sensing techniques, principles of photogrammetry and image interpretation for geological information. Electromagnetic (EM) Properties of natural earth materials. Fundamentals of ground-penetrating radar (GPR) systems. Design, processing, interpretation, and applications of EM and GPR methods.
Pre-requisities: PHYS 305
Review of Transmission line theory, Planar Transmission lines, Microstrip lines and components, Microwave Network Analysis, Microstrip Capacitors, Resistors and Inductors, Microstrip Passive devices (Coupler, Power divider, Filter, Circulator, Phase shifter and Patch antenna), Microstrip Active devices (Diode, Transistor, Amplifier, Oscillator, Mixer and Demodulator), Introduction to Microwave Integrated Circuits.
Pre-requisities: PHYS 305 OR EE 340
Review of basics of optics including photon-matter interaction, interference, diffraction, coherence, polarization, etc. Introduction to geometrical optics. Light sources and transmitters. Optical detectors and receivers. Optical waveguides and optical fibers. Optical devices: amplifiers, filters, isolators, diffraction gratings, switches, polarization controllers and modulators. Operating principles of optical multiplexers and demultiplexers. A survey on some contemporary topics in photonics and optics.
Pre-requisities: PHYS 305 OR EE 340
Coordinator: Dr. Jhonathan Prieto Rojas
This interdisciplinary concentration combines the complementary fields of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Physics, to lay the foundation for students to contribute to the development of Saudi Arabia's emerging semiconductor sector. The Kingdom's efforts to diversify its economy have made it possible to take the initial steps towards the establishment of this sector, which intends to support the growing technological demand in key industries such as electric vehicles, IoT, smart cities and buildings, healthcare modernization, and the development of integrated circuits (ICs) for AI applications. Students who complete this concentration will have the foundational knowledge and practical skills necessary to perform vital roles in the design, verification, fabrication, testing, and innovation of Integrated Circuits (ICs) for the aforementioned industries.
Course Description:
Electronic structure of isolated atoms; atoms bonding, crystal structure, energy bands in solids; electrons and holes in semiconductors, drift and diffusion, mobility, recombination and lifetime, conductivity; PN junctions, I(V)characteristic, applications; Light emitting diodes, Laser Diodes, Solar Cells, Bipolar transistor, MOSFETs.
Pre-requisities: PHYS 102
Introduction to Semiconductors; doping, mobility, and currents. MOS Transistors; operation and limitations. CMOS digital logic circuits, static & dynamic logic, combinational and sequential circuits, propagation delay. Circuit design and transistor sizing. Spice Simulations. MOS IC fabrication, layout and design rules, stick diagrams. IC Design and Verification Tools. Subsystem design and case studies, and practical considerations.
Pre-requisities: COE 202 or CIE 204, EE 203 or EE 236
Introduction to microfabrication techniques (photolithography, etching, deposition, thermal processes, etc.). Introduction to CMOS technology and its manufacturing from older to current technologies, including challenges and future developments. Introduction to Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials. Emerging technologies (Flexible/Stretchable electronics, Energy Micro- and Nano-harvesters).
Pre-requisities: EE 203 or EE 234 or EE 236
Introduction to analog integrated-circuits and device modeling including 2nd order effects of transistors. Analysis and design of integrated circuits including single-stage amplifiers, differential pairs, OTA, Opamp, biasing blocks, current mirrors, voltage references and output stages. Layout considerations and CAD tools.
Pre-requisities: EE203 or EE236