Electrical engineering is a major that deals with topics related to energy, communications, electromagnetism, electronics, digital processing, and automatic control systems. Topics related to energy include energy production, transmission and distribution with high efficiency. Renewable energy sources are also discussed as a permanent and environmentally friendly source. As for the communications aspect, it covers analog and digital modulation, wired and wireless systems and their applications, data encryption and networks. The electromagnetic side is concerned with the transmission of waves and methods of designing antennas and optical fibers. In electronics we cover the designs of electronic circuits and logic circuits used in the fields of communications, computing, and military and defense systems. The digital processing includes the analysis and processing of digital signals and their medical, industrial and artificial intelligence applications. Control includes simple devices, motors, robots, and advanced equipment.
The program is offered with internship (16 weeks).
As for the fields of work for which this specialization qualifies, they vary between: ▪ Electrical power systems ▪ Electronics ▪ Solid state devices and robots ▪ Signal processing ▪ Telecommunications ▪ Military industries ▪ Integrated circuits and computers ▪ Power transmission systems ▪ Control systems
Every student majoring in Electrical Engineering (EE)-summer training option must complete the following curriculum:
Course Credits Course Name PHYS 101 (3-3-4) General Physics I PHYS 102 (3-3-4) General Physics II PHYS 305 (3-0-3) Electricity And Magnetism I CHEM 101 (3-4-4) General Chemistry MATH 101 (4-0-4) Calculus I MATH 102 (4-0-4) Calculus II MATH 201 (3-0-3) Calculus III MATH 208 (3-0-3) Elem. Diff. Equations Science Elective (3-0-3) See Table (1) Total Credits: 32
Table 1: List of Science Elective Courses*
Course Credits Course Name BIOL 233 (2-3-3) Biology for Engineers PHYS 203 (3-0-3) Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Material PHYS 204 (3-0-3) General Physics III PHYS 213 (3-0-3) Modern Physics PHYS 215 (3-0-3) Introduction to Astronomy GEOL 201 (2-3-3) Physical Geology GEOL 202 (2-3-3) Applied Geosciences for Scientists and Engineers GEOP 202 (3-0-3) Introduction to Geophysics MATH 210 (3-0-3) Introduction to Sets and Structures AS 201 (3-0-3) Financial Mathematics GEOL 303 (2-3-3) Biology for Engineers MATH 371 (3-0-3) Introduction to Numerical Computing MATH 372 (3-0-3) Quantitative Methods for Actuaries GEOP 472 (3-0-3) Meteorology and Climatology MATH 432 (3-0-3) Applied Matrix Theory MATH 434 (3-0-3) Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control MATH 435 (3-0-3) Ordinary Differential Equations MATH 445 (3-0-3) Introduction to Complex Variables MATH 451 (3-0-3) Differential Geometry MATH 463 (3-0-3) Combinatorics MATH 467 (3-0-3) Graph Theory MATH 474 (3-0-3) Linear & Nonlinear Programming MATH 475 (3-0-3) Wavelets and Applications *Any other course requires the approval of EE department chairman.
Course Credits Course Name IAS 111 (2-0-2) Belief & Consequences IAS 121 (2-0-2) Language Foundation IAS 212 (2-0-2) Ethics & Governance IAS xxx (2-0-2) IAS Elective ENGL 101 (3-0-3) Introduction to Academic Discourse ENGL 102 (3-0-3) Introduction to Report Writing ENGL 214 (3-0-3) Academic & Professional Communication GS xxx (3-0-3) GS Elective PE 101 (0-2-1) Physical Education I CGS 392 (0-2-1) Career Essentials Total Credits: 22
Course Credits Course Name ICS 104 (2-3-3) Introd. to Programming In Python and C ISE 291 (3-0-3) Introd. to Data Science COE 292 (3-0-3) Intro. to Artificial Intelligence BUS 200 (3-0-3) Business & Entrepreneurship Total Credits: 12
4-1 Core Requirements
Course Credits Course Name EE 201 (3-0-3) Electric Circuits I COE 202 (3-0-3) Digital Logic Design EE 203 (3-0-3) Electronics I EE 207 (3-0-3) Signals & Systems EE 213 (2-0-2) Electric Circuits II EE 271 (0-3-1) Electric Circuits II lab EE 272 (0-3-1) Analog and Digital Electronics Lab EE 303 (3-0-3) Electronics II EE 311 (3-0-3) Fundamentals of EE Design EE 315 (3-0-3) Prob. Methods for EE EE 340 (3-0-3) Electromagnetic Waves and Applications EE 360 (3-0-3) Elec. Energy Eng. EE 370 (3-0-3) Communications Engineering EE 380 (3-0-3) Control Eng. EE 390 (3-0-3) Digital Sys. Eng. EE 398 (0-0-6) Electrical Engineering Internship EE 411 (0-1-0) Senior Design Project I EE 412 (1-6-3) Senior Design Project II Total Credits: 49
4-2 EE Electives
Course Credits Course Name EE Electives I, II 6 See Table (2) EE 3xx Lab Electives I, II, III 3 See Table (3) EE 4xx Lab Elective I 1 See Table (4) Total Credits: 10
Table 2: List of EE Elective Courses
Course Credits Course Name EE 400 (3-0-3) Telecommunication Networks EE 402 (3-0-3) Control Engineering II EE 405 (3-0-3) Microwave Transmission EE 406 (3-0-3) Digital Signal Processing EE 407 (3-0-3) Microwave Engineering EE 408 (3-0-3) Exploration Seismic Signal Processing EE 409 (3-0-3) Image Processing for Seismic Interpretation EE 410 (3-0-3) Digital Image Processing EE 413 (3-0-3) Applied Digital Signal Processing EE 416 (3-0-3) Introduction to Radar EE 417 (3-0-3) Communications Engineering II EE 418 (3-0-3) Introduction to Satellite Communications EE 419 (3-0-3) Wireless Communication EE 420 (3-0-3) Optical Fiber Communications EE 421 (3-0-3) Photonics and Optical Communications EE 422 (3-0-3) Antenna Theory EE 425 (3-0-3) Integrated Circuits Analysis and Design EE 426 (3-0-3) Mixed-Mode Signal Processing Circuits EE 427 (3-0-3) Bioelectronics EE 430 (3-0-3) Information Theory and Coding EE 432 (3-0-3) Digital Control Systems EE 433 (3-0-3) Applied Control Engineering EE 434 (3-0-3) Industrial Instrumentation EE 436 (3-0-3) Introduction to Micro and Nano-Electronics EE 437 (3-0-3) Energy Harvesting Circuits and Systems EE 439 (3-0-3) Micro/Nanotechnology and Biosensors EE 441 (3-0-3) RF and Microwave Transceivers Design and Analysis EE 445 (3-0-3) Industrial Electronics EE 456 (3-0-3) Digital Communication Electronics EE 458 (3-0-3) Hydrogen and Electricity Infrastructures EE 459 (3-0-3) Electrical Energy Efficiency EE 460 (3-0-3) Power Electronics EE 461 (3-0-3) Smart Grids EE 462 (3-0-3) Electrical Machines EE 463 (3-0-3) Power System Analysis EE 464 (3-0-3) High Voltage Engineering EE 465 (3-0-3) Power Transmission & Distribution EE 466 (3-0-3) Power System Protection EE 467 (3-0-3) Power System Planning & Operation EE 468 (3-0-3) Renewable Energy EE 469 (3-0-3) Introduction to Nuclear Engineering EE 470 (3-0-3) Optoelectronic Devices EE 490 (3-0-3) Special Topics in Electrical Engineering I EE 491 (3-0-3) Special Topics in Electrical Engineering II EE 492 (3-0-3) Special Topics in Electrical Engineering III EE 497 (3-0-3) Undergraduate research
Table 3: List of EE 3xx Lab Electives
Course Credits Course Name EE 304 (0-3-1) Electronics II Lab EE 341 (0-3-1) Electromagnetics Lab EE 361 (0-3-1) Electric Energy Engineering Lab EE 371 (0-3-1) Communications Engineering I Lab EE 381 (0-3-1) Control Engineering I Lab EE 391 (0-3-1) Digital Systems Engineering Lab
Table 4: List of EE 4xx Lab Electives
Course Credits Course Name EE 471 (0-3-1) Telecommunication Networks Lab EE 472 (0-3-1) Microwave Transmission Lab EE 473 (0-3-1) Microwave Engineering Lab EE 474 (0-3-1) Optical Fiber Communications Lab EE 475 (0-3-1) Antenna Theory Lab EE 476 (0-3-1) Digital Control Systems Lab EE 477 (0-3-1) Applied Control Engineering Lab EE 478 (0-3-1) Industrial Instrumentation Lab EE 479 (0-3-1) Industrial Electronics Lab EE 480 (0-3-1) Digital Communication Electronics Lab EE 481 (0-3-1) Power Electronics Lab EE 482 (0-3-1) Electrical Machines Lab EE 483 (0-3-1) Power System Protection lab EE 484 (0-3-1) Renewable Energy lab
Course Credits Course Name XX xxx 3 See Description Below Total Credits: 3
Students can take any 4xx level courses offered by College of Engineering and Physics, College of Computing and Mathematics, College of Petroleum Engineering & Geosciences, College of Chemicals and Materials, Department of Architectural Engineering, and Department of Civil and Environment Engineering provided all pre-requisite and co-requisite conditions are met and cross-listed courses are observed. In addition, they can take any of the 3xx and 2xx courses in Table 5.
Table 5: List of Technical Elective Courses
Course Credits Course Name ME 203 (3-0-3) Thermodynamics I ME 204 (3-0-3) Thermodynamics II PHYS 203 (3-0-3) Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Materials PHYS 213 (3-0-3) Modern Physics PHYS 215 (3-0-3) Introduction to Astronomy MATH 232 (3-0-3) Introduction to Sets and Structures ICS 253 (3-0-3) Discrete Structures I GEOL 303 (3-0-3) Sustaining the Earth CISE 301 (3-0-3) Numerical Methods CISE 312 (2-3-3) Instrumentation Engineering (Restriction: Can't be taken with EE 434) COE 305 (3-3-4) Microcomputer System Design COE 360 (3-0-3) Principles of VLSI Design STAT 361 (3-0-3) Operations Research I MATH 371 (2-2-3) Introduction to Numerical Computing AE 461 (3-0-3) Spacecraft Guidance, Navigation, and Control