Electrical Engineering and Physics is a major that enables students to obtain engineering skills in addition to a deep understanding of physics. This specialization is concerned with topics related to energy, electromagnetism, electronics, concerned with topics related to energy, electromagnetism, electronics, communications, digital processing, semiconductors, optics and quantum physics, in addition to most electrical engineering and physics topics. Topics related to energy include energy production, transmission and distribution with high efficiency. Renewable energy sources are also discussed as permanent and environmentally friendly sources. The electromagnetic side is concerned with the transmission of waves and methods of designing antennas and optical fibres. In electronics, we cover the designs of electronic circuits and logic circuits used in the fields of communications, computing, and military and defence systems. As for the communications aspect, it covers wired and wireless systems and their applications, data encryption and networks. Digital processing includes the analysis and processing of digital signals and their medical, industrial and artificial intelligence applications. This specialization also includes multiple applications of semiconductors, optics and quantum physics.