The Electrical Engineering department at KFUPM came into existence with the establishment of the University of Petroleum & Minerals in 1967. It is one of the largest departments in the University with an average number of students being approximately 900, 16% of whom are in the graduate program. The department provides 2 four-year undergraduate programs, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Physics. The graduate program offers Master of Science and Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering, Master of Science in Telecommunication Engineering, Master of Sustainable and Renewable Energy, Master of Wireless Communication Networks, and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering.
The department has about 61 full-time faculty members in 6 specialized areas of research. The Groups in the department are: Energy Systems, Communications, Electronics, Control Systems, Electromagnetics, and Digital Signal Processing. Additionally, a pool of experienced engineers and technicians maintain more than 30 laboratories in the department.
To be globally known for skillful graduates and quality research with focus on national needs.
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On September 30, 2024, the Next-Gen Communications Research Area hosted a seminar titled "Next-Gen Communications: Vision and Future Trends," led by Dr. Daniel Da Costa. The session delved into the future of communication technologies, spotlighting key innovations and trends poised to redefine global connectivity. Dr. Da Costa discussed advancements in networking and emerging technologies, offering insights into their potential impact on industries and society. The event fostered interactive discussions with students, encouraging exploration of the rapidly evolving landscape of next-generation communications.
The following are the highlights of the event:
Enhancement of Intrinsic Spin Hall Effect in Chiral Topological Semimetals by Dr. Wei Jiang
Innovation Driven Enterprises (IDE) Startup Ventures by Dr. Wail A. Mousa
Integrated Circuits & Systems Research Area Seminar
Robotics and Autonomy Research Area Seminar
Grid Modernization Research Area Seminar
The Electrical Engineering Department (EE) at KFUPM provides a world-class education and innovative learning experiences for both undergraduate and graduate students.
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