About Electrical Engineering

The Electrical Engineering department at KFUPM came into existence with the establishment of the University of Petroleum & Minerals in 1967. It is one of the largest departments in the University with an average number of students being approximately 900, 16% of whom are in the graduate program. The department provides 2 four-year undergraduate programs, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Physics. The graduate program offers Master of Science and Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering, Master of Science in Telecommunication Engineering, Master of Sustainable and Renewable Energy, Master of Wireless Communication Networks, and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering. 

The department has about 61 full-time faculty members in 6 specialized areas of research. The Groups in the department are: Energy Systems, Communications, Electronics, Control Systems, Electromagnetics, and Digital Signal Processing. Additionally, a pool of experienced engineers and technicians maintain more than 30 laboratories in the department.​​

Our Vision

To be globally known for skillful graduates and quality research with focus on national needs.

Our Mission

  • Imparting profound knowledge in the areas of electrical engineering.
  • Enriching graduates with technical and soft skills to take up leading roles in the society.
  • Producing high quality research with focus on energy-related challenges.





Electrical Engineering and Physics


For more information, you can visit the following :

Electrical Engineering and Physics Degree Plan Courses  Difference Between EE and EEPH Concentrations


Research and Academic Activity Statistics 

Recent News

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Effective Course Planning: A Workshop by Mr. Rakan Al-Ohali

On March 6, 2025, Mr. Rakan Al-Ohali conducted an insightful workshop on course planning for faculty and staff from various departments. The session covered practical techniques and innovative strategies for effectively designing and distributing courses among faculty members. Attendees also explored real-world examples of the system used for this purpose.

Browse through these pictures to catch the highlights of this workshop:






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Apply for Admission

The Electrical Engineering Department (EE) at KFUPM provides a world-class education and innovative learning experiences for both undergraduate and graduate students.

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